
3 Makes Headway in Danish LTE Sale

(06 May 2010, BWCS Staff)

The Danish sale of LTE spectrum is almost complete. The main winner so far in the auction for licences to operate in the 2.5GHz range appears to 3 Denmark. The Hutchison-backed mobile operator has reportedly won 2x10 MHz blocks of paired spectrum and 25 MHz of unpaired spectrum in the sale organized by the Danish regulator. 3 said it expects to begin the roll-out of an LTE network by the end of this year.

Rival Danish mobile operator TDC was also awarded two blocks of 20MHz paired spectrum in the same sale. Telenor Denmark and Telia Denmark also received 2x20MHz of paired spectrum and 10MHz of unpaired spectrum. A final round of bidding will allow the operators to name their preferences for specific places in the band. After that round, the regulator will announce the exact awards and prices for the licences.

Last month, Germany held a similar sale of 360MHz of available spectrum in four different bands, divided into 41 spectrum blocks. Most popular was the so-called LTE spectrum in the 800MHz and 2.6GHz bands. Some of the latest batch of frequencies became available when German TV stations were forced to convert from analogue to digital broadcasting.


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